Thursday 30 April 2020

Scoter tag

This is what happened to me from a scooter doing tricks I was trying to do this. My scooter went flung out from under me. I was in pain it hurt so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon

    I hope you are feeling better. They look like pretty nasty grazes you inflicted on yourself. I see you ended up with stitches...nasty! I like the way you have included a video of your scooter trick i your post. Obviously this was before your disaster. Was this the trick you were trying to master? What went wrong?
    It is important to analyse what went wrong so you can prevent it happening again. Did they put the stitched in here at the surgery, or did you have to go up to the hospital? Yo have had a bit of a bad run. First your tonsils and now stitches in your knee. How many stitches did they put in? Are they the dissolving type, or will you need to get them taken out? You will have some good scars to show off.

    Mr H


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