Wednesday 1 January 2020


1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon

    I can see that you have really though about this one. You have chosen three really great super powers. This is the first post that I have read that someone has chosen transfiguration. Now that would be quite cool! Imagine the places you could hide. In plain site but looking like something else. You could be a chair, table, plant, or even a fridge! That is a funny one!

    I would like to time travel. I would like to go back in time but I would also like to travel into the future to see what is there for us all.
    What do you think will happen in the future?
    Flying cars, robots, food in a pill? Could be quite interesting.

    You are doing a great job Leon, keep up the great work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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