Thursday 2 January 2020


1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon,

    It’s Leisha here from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Thank you for sharing three of your most important things. You have chosen the three most important things that are on my own list too! Friends, family and pets are very special. It is nice to read that your friends are important because they help you get through tough times at school and that your family as important because they are always there to talk to. You sound like you are surrounded by some wonderful people. Pets are also very special. I can understand this as well. They can give us so much happiness and joy and I’m sure they consider us to be just as important to them too!

    How many pets do you have? What are your dogs names? I don’t have any pet dogs but I do have a kitten named Sidi.



Thank you for your positive, thoughtful comment.