Thursday, 3 January 2019

Week 2, Day 3, Activity 2

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon!

    OH YUM!! Lasange!
    I really loved to cook lasange when I was growing up - I started cooking dinner for my family once or twice a week when I was 13 and my brother always got so excited when I would say I was cooking lasange! He would walk around the house singing his lasange song "pasta, mince, cheese sauce - oh yeah!" :)
    Do you help your Mum or Dad to make the lasange?

    When I was younger my Mum would also let us pick what dinner meal we would have on our birthday as well as dessert. I always used to pick mashed potatoes and gravy as my meal because it was my favourite!
    Do you do the same in your family? Is lasange what you pick?

    Amazing job with this activity Leon - I like that you have added an image and also posted the link for where you found it! (awesome!)

    Keep up the great work!
    Ellee :)


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